Biz Clarity 101

Mini course to help you get clear on the right business for you.

I'm sure you're feeling excited about starting your business, but a little part of you also feels overwhelmed because you don't know what to do first! "So many things to do," says google. Am I right?

I totally get it! I felt the same way when I first made the decision to start my coaching biz. (Truth Alert: Most people feel this way when they start. *insert sigh of relief here* because it's normal).

Before I say anything else I want to send you a hug and cyber confetti because you've just made a huge decision that can change your life and make a positive impact in the world.


Yes, I know at this point you probably don't have a business idea or you have too many ideas and you'd like to narrow them down. Either way, this mini course will take you through the beginning steps to getting clear on the right business for you.


  • Have a clear plan on the right skills to monetize.
  • Follow through on a business idea that gives you fulfillment and impacts the world.
  • Figure out your niche (your specialty) and finally say, "bye felicia" to feeling stuck.
  • Start doing work that gives you flexibility over your daily schedule.
  • Be an entrepreneur that can work from anywhere. *traveling goals*
  • Take your first step in entrepreneurship without feeling clueless.


Biz clarity 101 is your first step in building a profitable business by strategically laying the foundation for lifestyle mastery, business clarity, and ideal customer discovery.

Many people take years before they finally figure out a business model that gives them both fulfillment and profit. But you're able to fast track that by focusing on the right things first.

It took me 7 months after I started my biz to finally get confident on how I wanted my ideal customer to experience my brand. I discovered my ideal customer very quickly, but my problem was that I often doubted whether or not I was speaking directly to her, or even questioning whether I was attracting her with my brand. After several months into my biz I used the exact strategies in this course to finally get confident in how I was speaking and attracting her with my brand.

The course is not just information, it's complete with step by step, easy to follow modules along with actionable claritysheets that get you results. You'll also have access to two amazing bonuses that will give you the breakdown of the exact systems and strategies you need in place in order to start getting paying customers.






Your Instructor

Nozipho Sibanda
Nozipho Sibanda

Nozipho Sibanda is a transformational lifestyle coach who helps women live their best, monetize their skills online, while giving God all the glory. Her mission is to communicate, encourage, and inspire women to use their God-given gifts to serve the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access for the lifetime of the course (including all course updates)- across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
I certainly don't want you to be unhappy! I truly believe and know that this course can give you results if you put in the work and are serious about starting your business. However, If you're unhappy with the course, you have 7 days to receive a full refund.

Get started now!